kevin jesuino

Artist As Changemaker
Residency Co-Founder / Artist-in-Residence
In partnership with Mount Royal University, Trico Changemaker Studio and Calgary Arts Development.
Conceived, 2019
Piloted, 2020
Launched, 2021
I was part of a group of artists that, after a year-long intensive in systems thinking & systems change, put forth the question: “how might we expedite artists ability to bring about meaningful social change?” With this leading question and after three years of inquiry and testing, we launched the Artist as Changemaker Program out of Trico Changemaker Studio at Mount Royal University in Calgary, AB - a 6 month residency that brings together non-profits and artists under a complex challenge. I have played the role of Social Engaged Art Educator, teaching about the history and impacts of artists doing meaningful social change work, and in the third year I hosted my own residency with Trico
Changemaker Studio at Mount Royal University exploring how we might have meaningful experiential learning in systems change via the Zoom platform? I explored this through somatic movement scores and the ability to create change from within in order to be better equipped to support change in our communities. I continue to be an advisor, educator and resident artist for this committee.