kevin jesuino

The Zayknees: From the Planet Zan
Film Directed by Kevin Jesuino
Written & Edited by Kevin Jesuino
Community Organized by Kevin Jesuino
with support from Crescent Heights Community Association (Calgary, AB)
Puppet Design & Build by Kevin Jesuino
Presented at the 2020 Festival of Animated Objects - Dolly Wiggler Cabaret
In this short film, presented in a vlog style, one resident of a tiny community finds himself on a chase to investigate strange sitings in his neighbourhood after residents are complaining of beings who are not from here and calling them troublemakers. Echoing racist and prejudice sentiments we have seen all over the world, this resident decides to take matters into his own hands. After some investigation, he comes to meet the Zaynknees, from the planet Zan, who have been trapped on Earth, and in his neighbourhood, since the deadly COVID-19 virus epidemic hit Earth. He, and his community, soon find out why these aliens are here and begin to understand each other better all because of the virus.