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Public Welcome

Produced by TRAction  

As part of TRAction, a dynamic collective of interdisciplinary artists who engage communities in art-making to address issues of climate justice, and of which I am Co-Artistic Director of, we established Public Welcome, a project that uses participatory theatre and audience storytelling to engage the public in conversations about climate justice. Public Welcome uses live improvisational arts (storytelling, movement) as a means of reflecting the realities of complex community concerns surrounding climate change. This is done by sourcing stories and concerns directly from the audience and then working through these stories via improvisation. This work connects through a variety of lineages in the applied theatre & dance traditions, specifically Playback Theatre (Fox), Tamalpa Life/Art Process (Halprin) and Theatre of the Oppressed (Boal). With funding from the Arusha Centre, we are able to bring this project to different communities in Calgary.

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